Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Young Womens in Excellence Decor

My sister and I had the opportunity to help decorate at the Young Womens in Excellence night for the girls at our church. My sister was able to use my mom's chair covers and borrow the rest that she needed from our friend (80 chair covers in all). The church already had the white table cloths, so to spruce it up some I went to JoAnn's last week to buy some gold fabric to make sashes for every other chair (we made 40), and to buy some red fabric to make squares to put on the table under the vase centerpiece. The girls had picked red and gold as the colors they liked so we wanted to stick with those colors. Well Saturday morning I cut out the squares and realized they weren't big enough, so I ran to JoAnn's again to buy more red fabric. Over the weekend I made the mistake of starting a 400 page book and couldn't put it down of course, so there went any work I could of done Saturday and Sunday. So on Monday I woke up and realized I didn't have enough gold fabric, so I ran to JoAnn's yet another time :) I really should have measured stuff the first time! Then I went over to a friends house to cut all the fabric since she had a cutting mat. Man this is turning into a long gets longer :) My friends said that I should use the serger I owned, I've had it since January and haven't opened it, since I have no idea how to use it...well I figured that would probably be the only way I could get them done on Monday. Not to mention the fact that I had homework due first thing the next morning. So around 6 o'clock I finally open the serger...I was so totally lost, then my oh so wonderful and amazing husband, who's only night home this week was monday, sat for an hour setting it up for me - I love this guy! Then our oh so wonderful and amazing friend came over and helped us set it to the right stitch and let us borrow some red thread since I didn't have 3 spools of red. I had 10 or so sashes that I had to run through 2 or 3 times because I kept messing up, which I realized was due to the fact that I was using metallic thread. DO NOT use metallic thread on a serger, it SO doesn't work out good. I got about 15 or so sashes done before my sister came over and helped finish the sashes while I did homework. I couldn't have gotten it done with out my wonderful husband, awesome friend and amazing sister - THANK YOU! After she left I got the 10 red squares done. So I was able to get everything done by midnight :) My sister made the awesome looking vase centerpieces. Didn't she do an AMAZING job! SO here are the pictures to this super long story that probably doesn't matter but I felt like typing :)

The whole night was gorgeous! All the girls and leaders did an awesome job!


  1. Thanks for all your hard work, trips to town and creativity. Everything looked so awesome!
