Sunday, August 7, 2011

Garden Goodness and I won something!

I am SO incredibly excited, I have won several giveaways before, but they have always been small. This time I won an Epic Letterpress on the blog Brown Paper Packages. I've never won anything big, and this is HUGE for me :) I am SUPER duper EXCITED to get it! Can you tell ;)

On another note, our (it's at my parents house around the corner from us, we had it put in while we were living with them, so it's a family garden, but we love it!) garden is producing some YUMMY looking melons and I can't wait to try them! My boys planted most of them from seeds in May, and they have gotten ginormous! I can't wait to plant more this fall!
My little guy hopped in the picture :) He loves the garden!


  1. That's pretty sweet! Can I come help you play with it sometime? :)

  2. Heck yes :) lol! You'll have to come over and try it out with me once i get it! I've never used it before, but it sure looks fun!
