I LOVE the Children's Place Outlet at the Foothills Mall in Tucson,AZ!!! They have the best deals ever! I had a 25$ gift card so I figured I'd go grab a few outfits for 2-3$ per piece, because that's the normal prices of stuff there! But every once in a while you get lucky, and I happened to come across one one of these lucky finds! Everything I got was 99cents each! How awesome is that! I love White T-Shirts on my boys but they never stay clean so I stocked up on T-Shirts :) My problem is whenever I find something for a great price I want to get a lot! So I ended up buying 55 items of clothing for 99cents each and then I went ahead and got a pair of jeans for 9.99$. The gal that rang me up laughed that I finally jumped out of the .99cent boat and got something for more! I loved it! So basically the point of this blog is to show all the great finds I come across, I refuse to buy something at full price unless I have no other choice! I am a shopaholic when it comes to sales that are 75% off or more! I just can't help myself, it's such a great deal! So maybe I can start to get better about not buying so much great stuff, but for now I guess I might as well have fun documenting it! Plus, then you'll know when awesome sales are too!
**** I bought these clothes yesterday! So if anyone here in Tucson is interested you can get some cheap stuff at the Children's Place Outlet at the Foothills Mall! They had several more t-shirts and shorts for little girls and boys! The girls T-Shirts were size 6-9 month to 8 month, but they had a bunch of spaghetti Strap shirts size 6-9 month to 4T colors blue, pink, purple, white and yellow. The boys were mostly white t-shirts (size 6-9 month - 3T) and some blue, gray, red etc boy tanks and shorts size's 6-9 month to 4T!
Pink and white, Purple and White, and Solid Purple Girl tops, sizes 6-9 month, 12 month and 18 month, 6-9 month cute purple/green/blue bottoms, 3-6 month bloomers/skirt, 18 month blue shorts!
11 White T-Shirts ranging in size from 6-9 month to 3T, 11 pairs of shorts, 4 boy tanks!
Two Cute little Girl Outfits!